If you are attentive you will notice that I have not posted anything to Jeremy’s Journal for the last two days. If you were already aware of that - thank you. Sincerely. It means that you engage with what I write, care about what I have to say and, hopefully, missed my words when you expected them. I also owe you an apology, and perhaps I owe myself one too.
I resolved in the beginning of this year that I would post something to Jeremy’s Journal every weekday. I planned to have a week free here and there around the holidays. Missing the last two days of my blog were unplanned, though, not a scheduled midweek break (if I take any of those I will likely alert you). I think it is because of this promise that I owe myself an apology. I promised myself that I would take my blog seriously, pretend that it gets far more readers than it does and behave accordingly. I want Jeremy’s Journal to have the authenticity of a journal but the professionalism of a publication. Being AWOL for the last two days breaks that intention. I’m sorry, Jeremy, for not taking your dreams seriously.
I also feel as though your subscription to my blog is a kind of agreement between the two of us. You will read my thoughts each day, and in return I will ensure that I have something of reasonable quality delivered to your inbox for your perusal. In disappearing for a brief moment I feel that I have broken that agreement. So to you, I apologise for breaking our unspoken agreement. It is my intention that it will not happen again without some kind of communication.
Why did I inexplicably disappear? A loved one needed me. We needed to spend time together. And no matter how important this blog is to me now, or even how much it may hopefully mean to you, I will choose to prioritise my family. My apology is genuine. But I don’t regret spending time with my loved one. I have now put some contingencies into place so that when I need to prioritise my family again, Jeremy’s Journal doesn’t suffer. You will absolutely find me here on Monday.