This too shall pass.
You may have heard this phrase before. I believed that it came from The Bible, but upon googling I have found that it is an old saying of Persian origin. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, this saying is one that I have found comforting in the past, and I am hoping will help me today.
For some undetectable reason, I feel icky today. Yes, icky. All the grown up words like anxious or hesitant or whatever don’t get at the feeling I have. I feel icky. And I have absolutely no clue why. Don’t you hate it when that happens? I wish that I could just be in charge of my brain and my emotions all the time. Unfortunately, though, that is not the case today. It’s on days like these when I try to remember that brilliant Persian gem, “this too shall pass.”
I think the phrase is an embodiment of the silver lining that still clings to grey, cloudy days like today (it’s actually a lovely day outside). No matter what, this too shall pass. That’s the nature of life, each day begins and ends, and this difficult day will also come to an end. That’s how I try to bring comfort to my soul when I feel dazzled, fidgety, nervous. Icky.
I sometimes worry that I have too many icky days in a row. When I tell myself that, “this too shall pass,” I often hope that it’ll be on my schedule. I have a meeting at 15:00 today, so if I could feel better by then, that’d be great, thanks. I imagine life, emotions, people don’t work that way.
For now, I will attempt to comfort myself. This too shall pass. I’ll try not to roll my eyes and think eventually.