I sometimes worry that what I write is too negative. I’ve read through the last couple posts that I’ve written, and many of my thoughts or critiques on our world seem to lean away from positivity. Perhaps my ideas are not especially foul tempered, but they don’t seem to be hopeful. I know you’ve heard the phrase glass half empty. I recently read a reinterpretation of that saying somewhere that brought a smile to my face: those who argue whether the glass is half full or half empty miss the point. The glass is refillable. Those aren’t my words, but they stuck with me.
Maybe hope, attitude, perspective are all refillable. My glass may be half empty now, the tone of my writing certainly seems to suggest it. Perhaps my glass was once half full. Perhaps, and most importantly, my hope can be totally refilled. No half measures at all. I like that idea.
The really fun thing for me to think about is that I’m quite sure that twist on the classic idiom came from some bar or alcohol brand. I think it was to encourage you to spend a little more time and money with their business. Here I am, drawing hopeful inspiration from what is more than likely alcohol advertising. What a strange world it is. I wonder if anyone ever takes my words and plants them, like a seed, in their own imagination.
I think that’s what drives me to write Jeremy’s Journal. The hope that one day I may string a few words together and for whatever reason, it sparks something in you. I imagine you writing a few words down in pencil, on a torn scrap of some kind. I hope those words continue to grow with you, that they bring you peace, ideas, or at the very least, a smile. It’s very romantic, I know. But in reading that foolish, big hearted dream, I think it’s safe to say that my glass of hope seems to be topped up. I’ll try to sip at it slowly.